Study bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in America

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Hello ,

Our brothers and sisters who are interested in studying in America,

I can get you a scholarship from American universities for a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree. This scholarship costs 12,000 Jordanian dinars, and the payment method is as follows:

1- 1000 Jordanian dinars as a down payment and you will receive an interview with an American university such as Stanford University in California

2- 1000 Jordanian dinars when you obtain acceptance from the American University and yo

إعلان رقم: 245185787

إسأل صاحب الإعلان

12,000 دينار
نصائح عامة
  1. اجتمع في الأماكن العامة فقط.
  2. لا تقم بإرسال المال مسبقاً.
  3. قم بتفقد المنتج جيداً قبل شرائه.

صاحب الإعلان

 Abdallah Bsileh

Abdallah Bsileh

( 0 )
عضو منذ 19-05-2024
وقت التجاوب خلال 22 ساعة



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