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معدات حدائقهل لديك خدمة توصيل؟
عمانالحي / المنطقة
العبدليالقسم الرئيسي
المنزل والحديقةالقسم الفرعي
الحديقة - نباتات
Mobile pub/bar/kiosk is a perfect point of sale that draws customer's attention with its special shape and original design .This new and unique concept is one of its kind.
Special features:
-Steel and wood structure.
-Hydraulic system for opening and closing.
-Safety access door with 3 keys.
-Stainless steel sink.
-Fully equipped electrically.
-USB ports for charging Ipads,mobiles,etc
-Led lights.
-Pioneer sound system with built-in speakers.
-Waterproof and insulated roof.
-7 built-in comforta
...إعلان رقم: 253981915