NOX AT Genius Attack 18K Limited Edition Reissue padel racket (جديد) (مضرب بادل)

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NOX AT Genius Attack 18K Limited Edition racket, a reissue of the classic AT Genius Attack 18k. A model with 18K Carbon on the faces to create a 100% attack racket.

Feel the magic of the Genius of Catamarca again, with an extra bit of aggressiveness to maximize your spikes, vipers and wall descents. Includes the new Smartstrap replaceable safety lanyard system. Improve the hygiene and safety of your racket by easily replacing the cord without losing the warranty by not having to manipulate the

إعلان رقم: 254751815

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عضو منذ 17-02-2022
وقت التجاوب خلال 22 ساعة


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