DOBE TP5-3557 Multifunctional Cooling Stand Controller Charger Headphone Hook قاعدة تبريد وشحن PS5 S

خدمة التوصيل18-11-2024
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DOBE Multifunctional Cooling Stand Controller Charger Headphone Hook Colorful Atmosphere Light for PS5/Slim Console (TP5-3557)

Specially Designed for PS5: This innovative stand is tailored for the for PS5 and for PS5 Slim, serving as a universal, one-stop solution for your console. It's compatible with both the for PS5 UHD and Digital versions, ensuring a perfect fit and seamless integration with your gaming setup.

Efficient Cooling and Charging: Equipped with a high-precision microprocessor ch

إعلان رقم: 254779839

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الحزام الأزرق BLUEBELT

الحزام الأزرق BLUEBELT

( 155 )
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