PS4 SLIM 1TB NEW بلايستيشن 4 سلم جديد 1 تيرا مكفول سنة جديد جديد

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The PlayStation 4 Slim 1TB is a variant of the popular PS4 console, offering increased storage capacity and a sleeker design. With a 1TB hard drive, you can store more games, movies, and other content without running out of space. This console also features a slim and compact design, making it easy to fit into any entertainment setup.

Key Features:

1TB hard drive for expanded storage

Slim and compact design

Compatible with a wide range of games and media

إعلان رقم: 256477509

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الحزام الأزرق BLUEBELT

الحزام الأزرق BLUEBELT

( 160 )
عضو منذ 06-09-2014
وقت التجاوب خلال 3 ساعات


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