مضخم صوت نوع SHOW MPA-120S

خدمة التوصيلقبل 3 ساعات
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مضخم صوت نوع SHOW MPA-120S

The MPA-120S is a P.A. amplifier specifically designed for commercial applications. It is an ideal solution for bars, restaurants, retail outlets, offices, and other applications where paging and background music are required. The MPA-120S combines a 120 W amplifier with a five inputs mixer; it is a versatile and easy operating paging system. Mono inputs are available on combo balanced XLR / TRS 6.35 mm jacks. A switch on each input selects a line or microphone level with a 24 V phantom power option. A microphone plugged into input 1 can automatically mute other sound sources; the function is activated by the microphone signal. The priority can also be activated by the Tel. Input signal. The MPA-120S features a MP3 player for BGM or message paging. An insert out/in is available to connect signal processing devices, like delay units, EQs or anti-feedback systems. The main output section accepts 25, 70 and 100 V constant voltage line or 4 Ω impedance loads. Four additional switchable zone outputs are available with their own volume control. The MPA-120S can also operate with a 24 V DC power supply.

*الموقع : عمان / وسط البلد هاتف إضغط ليظهر الرقم.. 07980824XX

إعلان رقم: 259967281

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عضو منذ 11-10-2017
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