قبل 3 ساعات

M-Audio AIR 192x4 USB C Audio Interface

M-Audio AIR 192x4 USB C Audio Interface
مؤسسة عابدين للإلكترونياتوسط البلد, عمان
وسط البلد, عمان

M-Audio AIR 192x4 USB C Audio Interface



متطلبات الوظيفة


M-Audio AIR 192x4 USB C Audio Interface

Key Features

24-bit/192kHz resolution for professional recording and monitoring

Hi-Speed USB circuitry gives you the fastest connection, with a class-leading round trip latency of only 2.59ms*

Transparent Crystal preamps and ultra-pristine A/D converters for unsurpassed audio recording quality

VU LED meters for dialing in the perfect level

XLR+1⁄4” TRS combo input with dedicated signal circuit and (1) 1⁄4” instrument input with dedicated signal circuit for the most accurate sound available

Stereo 1⁄4” outs; 1⁄4” headphone out with independent level control

Rugged metal chassis; large central control for easy volume adjustment

USB/Direct knob for balancing between the input signal and the computer signal

*Round trip latency is dependent on buffer settings, and computer hardware

يوجد خدمة توصيل إلى جميع المحافظات.

عنوانّا: وسط البلد- شارع بسمان- عابدين للإلكترونيات.

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وسط البلد, عمان
مؤسسة عابدين للإلكترونيات
مؤسسة عابدين للإلكترونيات
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