
TA-512M ECHO SHOW Amplifier

TA-512M ECHO SHOW Amplifier
مؤسسة عابدين للإلكترونياتوسط البلد, عمان
وسط البلد, عمان

TA-512M ECHO SHOW Amplifier



متطلبات الوظيفة


The TA-512M ECHO is a P.A. amplifier specifically designed for commercial applications. It is an ideal solution for bars, restaurants, retail outlets, office building, and other applications where speech and background music are required. It combines a 120 W amplifier with a six inputs mixer; it is a versatile and easy operating P.A. system. Mono inputs are available on unbalanced TRS 6.35 mm jacks. Five level controls are located on the front panel, plus one on the rear panel. Three of these inputs are dedicated to microphones with an echo effect controlled from the front panel. The output section accepts 25/70/100 V constant voltage line and 4 Ω impedance loads. The TA-512M ECHO can also operate with a 24 V DC power supply.

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يوجد اسعار بالجملة للكميات

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للاستفسار التواصل على الصفحة او على رقمنا قدم على الوظيفة لإظهار الرقم..07 9964 49XX

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اعلان رقم: 259833305

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وسط البلد, عمان
مؤسسة عابدين للإلكترونيات
مؤسسة عابدين للإلكترونيات
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