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Casio CTX-800 Digital Keyboard Touch مع محول كامل Response, 61 Keys شرقي غربي

Casio CTX-800  Digital Keyboard Touch  مع محول كامل Response, 61 Keys شرقي غربي
جواهر موسيقى .جبل اللويبدة, عمان
جبل اللويبدة, عمان

Casio CTX-800 Digital Keyboard Touch مع محول كامل Response, 61 Keys شرقي غربي



متطلبات الوظيفة


About Product

The CT-X Series comes with the AiX Sound Source

which can produce a wide range of sound qualities from powerful bass tones to clear high tones.

The exceptional computing power of the high performance LSI reproduces the natural charm of acoustic instrument sounds

such as the agreeable change in tone when a piano key is struck, the sensation of a drum performance, or soaring strings.

The high-speed digital signal processor is also applied for each sound type, such as melody, backing

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