قبل 5 ساعات

Phantom Power 48V فانتوم باور

Phantom Power 48V  فانتوم باور
مؤسسة عابدين للإلكترونياتوسط البلد, عمان
وسط البلد, عمان

Phantom Power 48V فانتوم باور



متطلبات الوظيفة


جهاز فانتوم بور 48 فولت 48V phantom power 48 volt supply 48V DC Phantom Power For Recording Studio Condenser Microphone Audio Devices Product Features: -Compact and durable, made of black aluminum. -On/off power switch and LED indicator for ease of operation. Simple to use and ideal for stage and studio use. -Features a single channel unit with balanced mic inputs and outputs to connect in-line with your mic and mixer. -High-quality components and rugged construction will ensure this power suppl

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اعلان رقم: 260257191

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