Abu Alanda
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Abu Alanda
عماد محمد
Amman, Abu Alanda
3-5 YearsStudentInterpersonal
Drivers & Delivery
عمر حسن محمد حسين
Amman, Abu Alanda
Sales Agent
1-2 YearsDiplomaLeadership
ماهر الشيخ
Amman, Abu Alanda
Sales Manager
6-10 YearsBachelors DegreeComputer skillsCommunication
محمود خالد
Amman, Abu Alanda
Sales Agent
NewbieHigh School CertificateCommunicationInterpersonal
وليد موفق
Amman, Abu Alanda
Current: معلم مشاوي و طباخ رز in مطعم ومشاوي أبو أيمن التركي
6-10 YearsHigh School CertificateComputer skillsCommunication
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Administrative Support
ضحى الراعي
Amman, Abu Alanda
1-2 YearsDiplomaComputer skillsCommunication
نزار الفارس
Amman, Abu Alanda
Mechanical Engineer
NewbieBachelors DegreeComputer skillsCommunication
Accounting & Finance
منت عا٥
Amman, Abu Alanda
SEO Specialist
NewbieBachelors DegreeComputer skillsLeadership
سارة هديب
Amman, Abu Alanda
Current: هندسة ميكانيك - اوتوترونكس in تويوتا المركزيه - البيادر
NewbieBachelors DegreeComputer skillsCommunication
Drivers & Delivery
جواد الدرابيع
Amman, Abu Alanda
1-2 YearsHigh School CertificateComputer skillsCommunication
Accounting & Finance
يزن حسن
Amman, Abu Alanda
SEO Specialist
3-5 YearsLiterate with no CertificateLeadershipCommunication
Technicians & Craftsmen
Mahmoud mashh
Amman, Abu Alanda
Current: مسؤول انتاج in التقى لتصدير الخضار والفواكه
15+ YearsHigh School CertificateCommunicationLeadership
مفيد العزه
Amman, Abu Alanda
SEO Specialist
1-2 YearsDiplomaComputer skillsCommunication
سيف الدين المصري
Amman, Abu Alanda
3D Designer
6-10 YearsDiplomaLeadershipCommunication
Travel & Tourism
حسام عويمر
Amman, Abu Alanda
NewbieHigh School CertificateLeadershipComputer skills
مجد الناطور
Amman, Abu Alanda
NewbieLiterate with no CertificateTeamworkCommunication
نهى مصطفى
Amman, Abu Alanda
Elementary Teacher
1-2 YearsBachelors DegreeTeamworkInterpersonal
Travel & Tourism
Abdul khaleq Awadallah
Amman, Abu Alanda
15+ YearsHigh School CertificateComputer skillsCommunication
Administrative Support
شاهين شاهين
Amman, Abu Alanda
Current: موارد بشرية - امين صندوق - شؤون ادارية - شؤون موظفين- استقبال- ديوان in دار المنهل ناشرون
6-10 YearsDiplomaComputer skillsCommunication
zaid okasha
Amman, Abu Alanda
Current: chef in open simsim
3-5 YearsDiplomaComputer skillsCommunication
Administrative Support
سلام سمور
Amman, Abu Alanda
1-2 YearsBachelors DegreeComputer skillsCommunication
Administrative Support
sara sara
Amman, Abu Alanda
Arabic Teacher
1-2 YearsBachelors DegreeComputer skillsCommunication
Technicians & Craftsmen
راكان بني صخر
Amman, Abu Alanda
Loading & Unloading Worker
11-15 YearsHigh School CertificateLeadershipComputer skills
محمد ابراهيم الشباطات
Amman, Abu Alanda
Office Cleaning
NewbieLiterate with no CertificateCommunicationTeamwork
Customer Service
دنيا الخطيب
Amman, Abu Alanda
Current: عامل in باين ثري للالبسة
NewbieStudentComputer skillsCommunication
Accounting & Finance
ياسمين العيايده
Amman, Abu Alanda
Current: محاسبه in شركة الاوسط للرخام والجرانيت
3-5 YearsBachelors DegreeComputer skillsCommunication
Accounting & Finance
فل فقف
Amman, Abu Alanda
Hearing & Speech Therapist
15+ YearsPhD DegreeComputer skills
Drivers & Delivery
زيد الفحماوي
Amman, Abu Alanda
Current: سائق in خاصه
11-15 YearsHigh School CertificateLeadership
Industrial & Retail
يعقوب الخالدي
Amman, Abu Alanda
Current: فني صيانة in تسنيم للصناعات البلاستيكيه
15+ YearsHigh School CertificateLeadershipCommunication
Technicians & Craftsmen
مروان ربيع الزبن
Amman, Abu Alanda
Current: ائي اشي in ..
NewbieHigh School CertificateCommunicationComputer skills
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