Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
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Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
mais yousef
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Telemarketing Agent
1-2 YearsBachelors DegreeTeamworkInterpersonal
Accounting & Finance
Shaker Hamzeh
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Current: مبيعات in حلويات العنبتاوي
NewbieStudentComputer skillsCommunication
Drivers & Delivery
محمود البنا
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
11-15 YearsHigh School CertificateCommunicationLeadership
مهدي الصباغ
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Office Cleaning
NewbieHigh School CertificateComputer skillsFast Learner
Administrative Support
سيزار عواد
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Human Resource Manager
15+ YearsBachelors DegreeComputer skillsCommunication
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Accounting & Finance
Mohamad Sam.Alasaad
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Sales Agent
1-2 YearsHigh School CertificateComputer skillsCommunication
Accounting & Finance
زيد جبريل
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
NewbieBachelors DegreeComputer skillsCommunication
Drivers & Delivery
ناصر عايد
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Winch & Heavy Equipment Driver
15+ YearsHigh School CertificateNegotiationProblem-solving
حمزة أبو عزة
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Interior Designer
3-5 YearsBachelors DegreeComputer skillsCommunication
احمد خصاونه
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Sales Agent
NewbiePrimary CertificateCommunicationTeamwork
Technicians & Craftsmen
سليمان الفراج
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Current: مشغل ماكينات وفني صيانة in شركة البترا للصنفرا والصناعات الخفيفة
NewbieHigh School CertificateComputer skillsCommunication
Technicians & Craftsmen
Muhannad Mutlaq
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
NewbieHigh School CertificateComputer skillsTeamwork
Technicians & Craftsmen
islieman salameh
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Current: Personal Security Instructor in SFS Management
15+ YearsLiterate with no CertificateComputer skillsCommunication
عبدالله ابوهلال
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Chef - Cook
6-10 YearsDiplomaComputer skillsCommunication
Accounting & Finance
هشام عسكر
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
NewbieBachelors DegreeFast Learner
ايمن التهتموني
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Administrative Support
ميساء بطيبط
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
3-5 YearsLiterate with no CertificateCommunicationTeamwork
Customer Service
سوسن هندومة
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Sales Agent
1-2 YearsDiplomaComputer skillsCommunication
دعاء اسماعيل
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Claims Officer
NewbieBachelors DegreeComputer skillsCommunication
Accounting & Finance
نور سائد
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Customer Care Representative
1-2 YearsDiplomaComputer skillsLeadership
Accounting & Finance
محمود خليل
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
SEO Specialist
NewbieStudentComputer skills
Drivers & Delivery
عدي جاد الله
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
3-5 YearsHigh School CertificateCommunicationLeadership
Customer Service
bara'a abu sharaf
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Sales Agent
1-2 YearsStudentCommunicationTeamwork
Guards & Security
محمود نعيم محمود ابو العنين
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Current: امن وحماية in الولاء
15+ YearsLiterate with no CertificateInterpersonal
Drivers & Delivery
هاني خالد الدغيلي
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Heavy Machinery Mechanic
11-15 YearsHigh School CertificateLeadershipTeamwork
Technicians & Craftsmen
Osama Abed
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
NewbieBachelors DegreeTeamworkInterpersonal
Guards & Security
يوسف رشيد
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Security Officer
3-5 YearsHigh School CertificateLeadership
Mahde Jalambo
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Software Engineer
1-2 YearsBachelors DegreeComputer skillsCommunication
Technicians & Craftsmen
بهاء محمود نعيم ابو العنين toka1992
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Aluminium Professional
11-15 YearsPrimary CertificateComputer skills
Raghda Daowd
Amman, Daheit Al-Haj Hassan
Behavioral Rehabilitation Specialist
1-2 YearsBachelors DegreeComputer skillsCommunication
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