Blackview Tab 12 64 GB Tablets for Sale in Amman


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Mobile - Tablet
Tab 12
64 GB
Blackview Tab 12 64 GB in Amman
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Blackview Tab 12 64 GB in Amman

Blackview , Tab 12 , 64 GB , 8 inch , Damaged , 2 - 3 Years

Amman, 8th Circle
icon phone07955487XX
30 JOD

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Playstation 4

PlayStation , PlayStation 4 , Used

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MAC BOOK AIR 2017 Core i5 Ram 8.00 Hard 128 SSD

Apple , macOS , 17" , 8 , Used

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Irbid, Sahara Circle
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220 JOD
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Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 256 GB in Salt

Samsung , Galaxy S24 Ultra , 256 GB , Black , Used - Excellent Condition , Box , Brand New

Salt, Al Balqa'
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560 JOD
Windows MSI for sale  in Amman
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670 JOD
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Apple iPhone 11 128 GB in Aqaba

Apple , iPhone 11 , 128 GB , Red , Used - Good , Box , More than 3 Years

Aqaba, Other
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Nintendo Switch Nintendo for sale in Amman

Nintendo , Nintendo Switch , Used

Amman, Marj El Hamam
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Apple iPhone 14 Pro 256 GB in Amman

Apple , iPhone 14 Pro , 256 GB , White , Used - Excellent Condition , Charger , 0 - 1 Year

Amman, University Street
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400 JOD
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Apple iPhone 11 128 GB in Amman

Apple , iPhone 11 , 128 GB , Turquoise , Used - Excellent Condition , Charger , 0 - 1 Year

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Amman, Jubaiha
icon phone07911902XX
200 JOD
Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 256 GB in Amman
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Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra 256 GB in Amman

Samsung , Galaxy S24 Ultra , 256 GB , Black , Brand New

Amman, Jabal Al Hussain
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650 JOD

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