Kia Cadenza 2021 For Sale in Irbid





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Used Toyota Tundra in Salt

Used , Toyota , Tundra , Standard , 2006 , 30,000 - 39,999 km, PickUp

Salt, Al Balqa'
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3,500 JOD
kie cadenza 2020شكل جديد وارد كوريا فل الفل ممشى 40000كيلو مع بانوراما  هايبرد ماتور 2400 ccV
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kie cadenza 2020شكل جديد وارد كوريا فل الفل ممشى 40000كيلو مع بانوراما هايبرد ماتور 2400 ccV

Used , Kia , Cadenza , Premium , 2020 , 40,000 - 49,999 km, Sedan

Amman, Jubaiha
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22,000 JOD
Used Hyundai Azera in Mafraq
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Used Hyundai Azera in Mafraq

Used , Hyundai , Azera , GL , 2013 , +200,000 km, Coupe

Mafraq, Al-Badiah Ash-Shamaliyah
icon phone07752247XX
14,000 JOD
Used Hyundai Santa Fe in Amman
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Used Hyundai Santa Fe in Amman

Used , Hyundai , Santa Fe , Blue , 2004 , 10,000 - 19,999 km, HatchBack

Amman, Jabal Al Zohor
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4,500 JOD
New Hyundai Azera in Irbid
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New Hyundai Azera in Irbid

New , Hyundai , Azera , GLS , 2019 , 1 - 999 km, Sedan

Irbid, Al Hay Al Sharqy
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20,000 JOD
Used Hyundai Azera in Amman
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Used Hyundai Azera in Amman

Used , Hyundai , Azera , GLS , 2014 , 130,000 - 139,999 km, Sedan

Amman, Sports City
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13,500 JOD
Used Hyundai Santa Fe in Zarqa
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Used Hyundai Santa Fe in Zarqa

Used , Hyundai , Santa Fe , SEL Premium , 2021 , 50,000 - 59,999 km, SUV

Zarqa, Al mantika Al Hurra
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14,500 JOD
Used Hyundai Sonata in Amman
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Used Hyundai Sonata in Amman

Used , Hyundai , Sonata , Limited , 2016 , 1,000 - 9,999 km, Sedan

Amman, Daheit Al Aqsa
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9,500 JOD
Used Hyundai Sonata in Mafraq
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Used Hyundai Sonata in Mafraq

Used , Hyundai , Sonata , GL , 2011 , 20,000 - 29,999 km, Sedan

Mafraq, Al-Hay Al-Janoubi
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8,700 JOD

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