Kufr Abeel
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Kufr Abeel

علاء مقابلة
Irbid, Kufr Abeel
Mobile Application Designer
NewbieBachelors DegreeFast LearnerTeamwork

مأمون الفقيه
Irbid, Kufr Abeel
Mechanical Engineer
3-5 YearsMasters DegreeComputer skillsFast Learner

Technicians & Craftsmen
ابوابراهيم الجواد الجواد
Irbid, Kufr Abeel
11-15 YearsHigh School CertificateInterpersonal
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Accounting & Finance
يوسف الفاعوري
Amman, Marka
Current: فني تركيب بعض الوقت in مراكز المدينه
1-2 YearsHigh School CertificateComputer skillsCommunicationTeamworkInterpersonalFast Learner

Administrative Support
صبحي جود
Amman, Abu Alanda
Recruitment Officer
1-2 YearsHigh School CertificateLeadership

اكرم حسنات
Amman, Abu Alanda
Current: فني اطارات وزيوت in شركة القواسمي لنقل بري وتجاره
3-5 YearsPrimary CertificateTeamwork

احمد خليل
Amman, Al Qwaismeh
Tires and Alignment Mechanic
15+ YearsPrimary CertificateCommunicationLeadershipTeamworkInterpersonalFast LearnerAdaptabilityProblem-solvingWillingness to learnMulti-taskingNegotiation

Technicians & Craftsmen
محمد دعسة
Zarqa, Al Zawahra
Current: QA inspector in Modern company
NewbieDiplomaComputer skillsCommunicationLeadershipTeamworkInterpersonalAdaptabilitySelf-managementProblem-solvingAutoCADInternet SearchTelephone conversations

Writing & Translation
طالب وظيفة
Amman, Jabal Amman
Telecommunication Engineer
15+ YearsMasters DegreeComputer skillsCommunicationLeadershipTeamworkInterpersonalFast LearnerAdaptabilitySelf-managementProblem-solvingWillingness to learnMulti-taskingNegotiationProject ManagementContracts PreparationTelephone conversationsInternet SearchTraining & DevelopmentDocuments AuditEmail usage knowledgeWorking with DatabasesStaff MotivationMS PowerpointMS ExcelMS Word

خليل محمد
Motorcycle Driver
11-15 YearsStudentCommunication

Administrative Support
محمد سعيد صالح
Zarqa, Jabal El Shamali Rusaifeh
Current: مسؤول مواد خام in فيكستون
3-5 YearsDiplomaComputer skillsCommunicationLeadershipTeamworkInterpersonalFast LearnerAdaptabilitySelf-managementProblem-solvingWillingness to learnMulti-taskingNegotiationConducting presentationsCreativeWorking with DatabasesMS ExcelMS PowerpointStaff MotivationEmail usage knowledgeDocuments AuditTraining & DevelopmentInternet SearchFinding & Attracting ClientsTelephone conversationsContracts PreparationProject ManagementBusiness CorrespondenceMS Word

Drivers & Delivery
ميلاد ابو الهيجاء
Irbid, Irbid Girl's College
Telecommunication Engineer
11-15 YearsHigh School CertificateLeadershipCommunicationTeamworkInterpersonal
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