Apple iPhone 12 128 GB Mobiles for Sale in Zarqa


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Mobile - Tablet
iPhone 12
128 GB
Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa
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Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa

Apple , iPhone 12 , 128 GB , Pearl White , Used - Excellent Condition , Box , 0 - 1 Year

Zarqa, Abu Al-Zighan
icon phone07791788XX
11 JOD
Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa
icon photo5

Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa

Apple , iPhone 12 , 128 GB , Black , Brand New

Zarqa, Iskan Talal - Rusaifeh
icon phone07852551XX
280 JOD
Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa
icon photo5

Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa

Apple , iPhone 12 , 128 GB , White , Used - Excellent Condition , 1 - 2 Years

Zarqa, Russayfah
icon phone07805986XX
230 JOD
Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa
icon photo3

Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa

Apple , iPhone 12 , 128 GB , Black , Used - Excellent Condition , 0 - 1 Year

Zarqa, Russayfah
icon phone07814527XX
240 JOD
Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa
icon photo15

Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa

Apple , iPhone 12 , 128 GB , Black , Used - Excellent Condition , Charger , 0 - 1 Year

icon exportDelivery
Zarqa, Al Autostrad
icon phone07822902XX
175 JOD
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Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa
icon photo1

Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa

Apple , iPhone 12 , 128 GB , Blue , Used - Excellent Condition , Brand New

Zarqa, Al Autostrad
icon phone07873184XX
170 JOD
Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa
icon photo8

Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa

Apple , iPhone 12 , 128 GB , Turquoise , Used - Excellent Condition , Box , 1 - 2 Years

Zarqa, Hettin Camp
icon phone07898066XX
250 JOD
Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa
icon photo3

Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa

Apple , iPhone 12 , 128 GB , Purple , Used - Excellent Condition , Box , Brand New

Zarqa, Al Zarqa Al Jadeedeh
icon phone07815042XX
Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa
icon photo5

Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa

Apple , iPhone 12 , 128 GB , White , Used - Excellent Condition , Box , Brand New

Zarqa, Al Autostrad
icon phone07928191XX
280 JOD
Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa
icon photo12

Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa

Apple , iPhone 12 , 128 GB , Black , Used - Excellent Condition , Box , 1 - 2 Years

Zarqa, Hay Al Nuzha
icon phone07891119XX
275 JOD
Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa
icon photo9

Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa

Apple , iPhone 12 , 128 GB , Blue , Used - Excellent Condition , Box , 1 - 2 Years

Zarqa, Iskan Talal - Rusaifeh
icon phone07989088XX
230 JOD
Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa
icon photo1

Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa

Apple , iPhone 12 , 128 GB , Blue , Used - Excellent Condition , Charger , 0 - 1 Year

icon exportDelivery
Zarqa, Al Autostrad
icon phone07822902XX
185 JOD
Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa
icon photo2

Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa

Apple , iPhone 12 , 128 GB , Pearl White , Used - Excellent Condition , Charger , 0 - 1 Year

icon exportDelivery
Zarqa, Al Autostrad
icon phone07822902XX
240 JOD
Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa
icon photo6

Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa

Apple , iPhone 12 , 128 GB , Blue , Used - Excellent Condition , Charger , 1 - 2 Years

icon exportDelivery
Zarqa, Al ghweariyyeh
icon phone07802046XX
250 JOD
Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa
icon photo7

Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa

Apple , iPhone 12 , 128 GB , Blue , Used - Excellent Condition , Box , 0 - 1 Year

icon exportDelivery
Zarqa, Al Autostrad
icon phone07822902XX
195 JOD
Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa
icon photo11

Apple iPhone 12 128 GB in Zarqa

Apple , iPhone 12 , 128 GB , White , Used - Excellent Condition , Box , Brand New

Zarqa, Hay Ma'soom
icon phone07928636XX
280 JOD

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