جهاز فحص بواجي ال سيارات

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جهاز فحص البواجي المزدوج 12 فولت


السعر = 65 دينار

Dual Hole Car Spark Plug Ignition Tester Detector Ignition Plug Diagnostic


Car Spark Plug Tester Detector with Dual Hole Advantage

Dual Hole Car Spark Plug Tester Detector have two testing holes, you can test two spark plugs meanwhile and and if you suspect any spark plug works improperly you could compare and test to make accurate judgment

Usage: Test spark plug performance and i

Post ID: 259815151

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65 JOD
General Tips
  1. Only meet in public places
  2. Never pay or transfer money in advance
  3. Inspect the product before you buy it

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م. علاء المشني.

م. علاء المشني.

( 283 )
Member Since 30-07-2013
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Amman - Tabarboor

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