وصلة جيتار لل تسجيل عال كمبيوتر

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وصلة جيتار لل تسجيل عال كمبيوتر

السعر = 20 دينار

Interface USB 2.0

Type: Audio Recorder

Color: White

Application: Electric Guitars, Bass

USB Guitar Link Cable is a professional tool that enables you to turn your PC or Mac computer into

fantastic working platform on which you can use the classic effects, in the studio as well as on stage.It allows you to record, play along to a playback, or play directly over the modeling amps and effects.

Post ID: 260042067

Ask the Lister

20 JOD
General Tips
  1. Only meet in public places
  2. Never pay or transfer money in advance
  3. Inspect the product before you buy it

Post Owner

م. علاء المشني.

م. علاء المشني.

( 283 )
Member Since 30-07-2013
Replies Within 11 hour


Amman - Tabarboor

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