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Coaxial / digital fiber conversion

شبك الصوت لشاشات مخرج الفايبر

السعر = 15 دينار

Click to show phone number.. 07920792XX

Optical Coaxial Toslink Digital to Analog Audio Converter Adapter RCA 3.5mm L/R

Converts Coaxial or Toslink digital audio signals to analog L/R audio

Supports sampling rate at 32,441. 48 and 96 KHZ

24bit S/PDIF incoming bit stream on left and right channels

Provides electromagnetic-noise-free transmission

Easy to install and simple to operate

Product Name: Coa

Post ID: 260168757

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15 JOD
General Tips
  1. Only meet in public places
  2. Never pay or transfer money in advance
  3. Inspect the product before you buy it

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م. علاء المشني.

م. علاء المشني.

( 283 )
Member Since 30-07-2013
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Amman - Tabarboor

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