
Accountant -Amman

Accountant -Amman
Moaaz Hiary HiaryYajouz, Amman
Yajouz, Amman

Accountant -Amman

Job Info

400 JOD
Private Passenger Vehicle

Job Requirements

Arabic, English
InterpersonalBusiness CorrespondenceTraining & DevelopmentFast LearnerProject ManagementDocuments AuditAdaptabilityContracts PreparationEmail usage knowledgeSelf-managementTelephone conversationsWorking with DatabasesComputer skillsProblem-solvingFinding & Attracting ClientsStaff MotivationCommunicationWillingness to learnInternet SearchMS PowerpointLeadershipMulti-taskingConducting presentationsMS ExcelTeamworkNegotiationCreativeMS Word

خريج محاسبة من جامعه الاسراء بدرجه البكالوريوس بتقدير جيد .. عملت لدى مكتب علاء حبيب الله للخدمات المحاسبيه و كما اني عملت كمنظوب مبيعات لدى شركه عبدالقادر خلف التجارية و مندوب مبيعات و موزع لدى شركه اورداريرا و و كاشير لدى عده مطاعم خلال فترة دراستي الجامعية

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AD No: 194516691

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General Tips

  • Do not share confidential or personal data
  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Yajouz, Amman
Moaaz Hiary Hiary
Moaaz Hiary Hiary
Member Since04-08-2016
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