
Waiter - Waitress -Amman

Waiter - Waitress
Waiter - Waitress -Amman
ياسر دناويDowntown, Amman
Downtown, Amman

Waiter - Waitress -Amman

Job Info

Waiter - Waitress
300 JOD

Job Requirements

Fast LearnerFinding & Attracting ClientsAdaptabilityCreativeSelf-managementTraining & DevelopmentProblem-solvingStaff MotivationComputer skillsWillingness to learnMS WordCommunicationMulti-taskingMS ExcelTeamworkProject ManagementMS PowerpointInterpersonalTelephone conversations

ياسر دناوي

عملت مع المنظمات الدولية في عدة مجالات

وعملت كاشير في عدة أماكن

وعملت موظف استقبل وحجوزات في شركة سياحة وسفر

Ask Job Owner
AD No: 213251554

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General Tips

  • Do not share confidential or personal data
  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Downtown, Amman
ياسر دناوي
ياسر دناوي
Member Since24-08-2022
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