
Waiter - Waitress -Irbid

Waiter - Waitress
Waiter - Waitress -Irbid
nour alnmroudHuwwarah, Irbid
Huwwarah, Irbid

Waiter - Waitress -Irbid

Job Info

Waiter - Waitress
450 JOD

Job Requirements

Willingness to learnTraining & DevelopmentMulti-taskingDocuments AuditNegotiationEmail usage knowledgeTeamworkTelephone conversationsWorking with DatabasesInterpersonalFinding & Attracting ClientsStaff MotivationFast LearnerInternet SearchComputer skillsAdaptabilityConducting presentationsCommunicationProblem-solvingCreative

اعمل بجد متحضر لبق فل الدائ والملاحظات حسن السلوك والمضهر اتقبل الخطئ لكي اتعلم من جديد اتعلم فصرعه اقبل المشاركه مع رفاقي في الشغال اقترح موضع لافت للنضار في ٱامور الشغال اصنع المستحيل لأقدم ماهو افضل لاعملي

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AD No: 232669300

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General Tips

  • Do not share confidential or personal data
  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Huwwarah, Irbid
nour alnmroud
nour alnmroud
Member Since13-09-2023
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