
Obstetrics - Gynecologist -Amman

Obstetrics - Gynecologist
Obstetrics - Gynecologist -Amman
Muhammad ghwelihMarka Al Janoubiya, Amman
Marka Al Janoubiya, Amman

Obstetrics - Gynecologist -Amman

Job Info

Obstetrics - Gynecologist
400 JOD
Construction Vehicle

Job Requirements

MS PowerpointProblem-solvingInternet SearchComputer skillsAutoCADPhotoshopMS Word

A interior designer, a positive person who loves to grow and learn, and I have a high work ethic. My experience at Luminus enhanced many skills, including skills in handling design software such as AutoCAD and 3D Max, handling manufacturing software such as CNC programs, and problem-solving in a cli

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AD No: 237908042

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General Tips

  • Do not share confidential or personal data
  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Marka Al Janoubiya, Amman
Muhammad ghwelih
Muhammad ghwelih
Member Since18-03-2023

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