
Sales Manager -Amman

Sales Manager
Sales Manager -Amman
M.NDaheit Al-Haj Hassan, Amman
Daheit Al-Haj Hassan, Amman

Sales Manager -Amman

Job Info

Sales Manager
500 JOD
Private Passenger Vehicle

Job Requirements

Arabic, English
InterpersonalAdaptabilitySelf-managementProblem-solvingComputer skillsMulti-taskingCommunicationLeadershipTeamwork

Dedicated and skilled individual with extensive experience managing a sales team with proven sales results in search of position that allows me to apply my development, unique sales techniques, management, organisational and communication skills when interacting with salespeople.'

Ask Job Owner
AD No: 245324457

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General Tips

  • Do not share confidential or personal data
  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Daheit Al-Haj Hassan, Amman
Member Since18-05-2024
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