
Chef - Cook -Amman

Chef - Cook
Chef - Cook -Amman
aboodjumhaTabarboor, Amman
Tabarboor, Amman

Chef - Cook -Amman

Job Info

Chef - Cook
Private Passenger Vehicle

Job Requirements


حاصل على دبلوم في فنون الطهي من كلية عمون 500 ساعة تدريبية خبرة شهرين في فندق شيراتون عمان وعدة أشهر في مطاعم

Ask Job Owner
AD No: 250670321

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General Tips

  • Do not share confidential or personal data
  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Tabarboor, Amman
Member Since30-08-2023
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