Contract Type
Job Title
Job Sector
Working Days
Working Hours
Remote WorkNo
Additional Benefits
حزام مرافقة الطفل الاصلي
Color: Orange
السعر = 10 دينار
شريط الأمان لحماية طفلك
شريط يصل بينك وبين طفلك حتى لا يضيع وانت في المول او في اي مكان وهو آمن ولا يعيق حرية طفلك.
Kids Baby Safety Anti-lost Strap Walking Harness Toddler Wrist Band Leash Belt
Apply to show phone number..07920792XX
Product Description
When you take your children out,it is not likely to have been hand in hand all the time,But kids tend to move and walk around,it is heavily possible to miss your baby while yo