

القدس للالكترونياتDowntown, Amman
Downtown, Amman


Job Info


Job Requirements


ستديو تصوير متنقل (صندوق تصوير) 60سم Photo Studio Square Light Box

Dimension of the soft box: 60cm x 60cm x 60cm size,approximately 24" x 24" x 24"

Included: 4x high quality background

100% pure white high-duty nylon fabric square tent avoids reflections for clean and color-consistent images.

Translucent fabric gently diffuse the light from your light sources to prevent shadows.

Built-in velcros to lock three side boards easily to store.

Built-in pockets for light and accessories. Everything is ready to go with you!

Setup in seconds and fold up for convenient storage and travel.

*الموقع : عمان / وسط البلد هاتف Apply to show phone number..07980824XX

Ask Job Owner
AD No: 259669453

General Tips

  • Do not share confidential or personal data
  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Downtown, Amman
القدس للالكترونيات
القدس للالكترونيات
Member Since11-10-2017
Replies Within 7 hours

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