8 hours ago


العزة للستالايت والكهربائيات وانظمة المراقبةTla' Ali, Amman
Tla' Ali, Amman


Job Info


Job Requirements


شاومي بوكس س اندرويد 4k

quad-core CPU

voise control remote

3+2-core GPU


8GB eMMC Flash

WIFI 2.4GHz/5GHz


Easy to use

Bluetooth 4.0

High Clarity 4K HDR

Wireless screen mirroring at the tap of a button

Mirror almost any device, including phone, tablet, or laptop

Call and text without interrupting what's playing on your TV

High-speed streaming and HD video playback

يتـــــــــوفر خـــــــدمه توصـــــــــيل

للتواصل : Apply to show phone number..07967535XX - Apply to show phone number..07753010XX

Ask Job Owner
AD No: 259974485

General Tips

  • Do not share confidential or personal data
  • Be careful and make sure that the employer is reliable
  • Don't pay money to hire or train you
Tla' Ali, Amman

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